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Filecoin Mining Community Call Thank You
June 10, 2020

Filecoin Mining Community Call Thank You

On May 28, 2020, the Filecoin team hosted our second Filecoin Mining Community Call; we were joined by over 160 live attendees globally. To kick off the call, Filecoin Ecosystem Lead Colin Evran provided an update on the Filecoin project including an overview of our growing miner ecosystem and some of the important use cases we’re seeing emerge. Filecoin Founder Juan Benet followed with a presentation highlighting an introduction to Verified Clients in Filecoin. Next, Jonathan Victor presented on Filecoin Discover – a project incentivizing early miners of all sizes to store valuable data from non-profits and open source projects in exchange for additional Filecoin. We also heard from Ian Darrow, who provided a teaser for Testnet Incentives— more details to come soon! To conclude, Aayush Rajasekaran answered your most frequently asked questions.

Announcing Filecoin's Testnet Incentives
June 9, 2020

Announcing Filecoin's Testnet Incentives

After years of research and development, Filecoin’s mainnet launch is within sight. Today, we’re announcing Filecoin’s testnet incentives program and inviting miners all over the world to compete to earn global and regional pools totaling up to 4 million Filecoin tokens.

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Offline Data Transfer for Large-Scale Data
June 8, 2020

Offline Data Transfer for Large-Scale Data

Filecoin is designed to store the world’s most valuable information. Globally, we produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily. While much of that data doesn’t need to be stored in perpetuity, some of it spans the most important information humans have ever created across the sciences, mathematics, arts, history, and humanities.

Filecoin Mining Community Call, May 2020
May 22, 2020

Filecoin Mining Community Call, May 2020

We are excited to announce our second Filecoin Mining Community Call on Thursday, May 28th, 2020 at 6:00pm PST. We’ll kick off with an overview of Testnet Phase 2 then provide an update on the Filecoin Discover program. To conclude, we will answer your questions about mining on the Filecoin network.

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May Q & A Thank You and Summary
May 21, 2020

May Q & A Thank You and Summary

On May 18, 2020, we hosted another AMA with Juan Benet and other developers of the Filecoin Project. Thanks to everyone who joined! Over the course of one hour, we received 291 questions and were able to answer 46, ranging from roadmap and timing updates to details on verified clients, hardware requirements, and the latest on testnet incentives. Nearly 1,400 Filecoin community members participated in the session or checked the recap on Slido.

Update: Filecoin Discover
May 19, 2020

Update: Filecoin Discover

Filecoin Discover has received an overwhelming amount of community interest. Since May 7th, Filecoin miners have signed up to store dozens of petabytes worth of important data. We’ve been listening to questions and feedback from the Filecoin mining community. This post addresses the most common questions and concerns. Filecoin Discover is an early pilot program for sponsoring the storage of valuable datasets on the Filecoin network. While Discover will be an early verified client, it will not in any way be the only source, nor should it be the primary source of verified data or hard drives for miners. ...

Filecoin Testnet Phase 2 is Here!
May 14, 2020

Filecoin Testnet Phase 2 is Here!

Today is a big day for the Filecoin project. Six months ago, we launched the first phase of the Filecoin testnet. Since then, we have been bug fixing, conducting protocol reviews, making critical protocol and product improvements, performing optimizations, and working towards running networks with multiple interoperable nodes. Now, we are ready to launch Testnet Phase 2!

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Introducing Filecoin Discover
May 7, 2020

Introducing Filecoin Discover

Today, we are pleased to launch Filecoin Discover – a project to help seed Filecoin as the home for humanity’s most important datasets and make it accessible to others, to grow our knowledge base and forge new ideas.

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Jonathan Schwartz, Open Work Labs
May 5, 2020

Jonathan Schwartz, Open Work Labs

Welcome to the fourth installment of the Filecoin Community Highlights series, which features users and developers building essential tools and services on the Filecoin network. The goal is to inspire others to build world-class tools for the distributed web.

Filecoin's Cryptoeconomic Constructions
April 24, 2020

Filecoin's Cryptoeconomic Constructions

Public blockchains rely on a combination of cryptography and incentive structures that make a system work without centralized control. Cryptography makes some harmful actions practically impossible, while game theory discourages others. Analysis that focuses on this set of mechanisms is called cryptoeconomics. A properly-structured cryptoeconomic system can determine whether a network becomes valuable and self-sustaining or struggles to get off the ground.

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